Membership Benefits

Know everything about becoming a member!

Courses/ Workshops/ Conference

The Institute offers courses and workshops regularly for professional improvement and the continuing education of its members. These courses/workshops are coordinated by the Professional Development Directorate of the National Headquarters and organized nation-wide through Divisions and Chapters of the Institute and the National Headquarters.

The Institute holds an Engineering Conference every year and an international conference every two years between the last week in November and December. Conference themes are chosen based on contemporary issues and a communiqué issued at the end of proceedings.

Career and Employment Advice

The Institute provides advice to members on job placement and career progression through her job placement unit. The unit maintains a list of members wishing to change jobs or in search of jobs, and it also matches job opportunities by its job listing.

Liaison with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)

The Institutte is represented on the Council of COREN and maintains close relations with the body on all issues relating to the engineering profession. These include Engineering Regulations Monitoring (ERM), Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) and Engineers remuneration.


The Institute provides a forum for engineers to exchange ideas and update their knowledge on contemporary and future developments in engineering

Code of Ethics

The Institute has established a Code of Ethics to control the professional conduct of its members. Disciplinary actions are instituted under this code.

Advisory Services

The Institute provides guidance to members on a wide range of matters relevant to their involvement with and development in the profession. The government and the general public may also seek advice from the Institute on Professional Engineering Matters.

Awards and Prizes

Grants, Fellowships, Awards, and Prizes for papers, research, and other contributions to the profession are awarded by the Institute from time to time to those who have distinguished themselves in the profession.

Benevolent Fund

The Institute maintains a benevolent fund to which individual members contribute. The fund is to help members and their families in distress.


The Institute sponsors and encourages competitions at all levels, from secondary schools through Universities to Professionals. The ‘Engineer of the Year’ Award has also been instituted.

International Relations

The Institute represents Nigeria through her membership of the Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC) and World Federation of Engineering Organization (WFEO). The Society is also the Secretariat of the Federation of African Engineering Organization (FAEO).
Foreign Industrial tours are also organized by Branches and the Headquarters coordinated by the International Affairs unit at the Headquarters.


Every member is expected in his general conduct to uphold and enhance the honour and dignity of the Engineering profession and the reputation of the Nigerian Institution of Highway and Transportation Engineers and to act always in the public interest:

  • A member shall make available his professional knowledge and experience in accordance with his code as a consultant or adviser, or a salaried employee, or a teacher of Engineering Science, or in design, manufacture, or construction as a faithful agent and trustee of his client, employer, or other people connected with the works.
  • A member shall not practice in a dual capacity as a consultant and as a contractor for the same project except with the prior written consent of the client.
  • A member shall not place orders on his own behalf in respect of a project on which he is engaged but shall only do so explicitly on behalf of his client.
  • A member shall not be the medium of payments made on his client’s behalf unless specifically so requested in writing by his client, but shall only issue certificates for payments.
  • A member shall not take part in competition involving the submission of proposals and designs for engineering work unless an assessor, who shall be an Engineer of acknowledged standing, has been appointed to whom all such proposals and designs are to be submitted for adjudication.
  • A member shall not invite or submit priced proposals under conditions that constitute price competition for professional services.
  • A member shall not advertise engineering services in self-laudatory language or in any other manner derogatory to the dignity of the profession.
  • A member, on engineering work in a foreign country, may adapt his conduct according to the professional standards and customs of the country, but shall adhere as closely as practicable to the principles of this code.
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